Me:¿Como te llamas? (What is your name?)
Our week is coming to an end and I am blown away by Gods constant hand on our lives. Every missions trip I have been on has always had an incredible group of people. People that God brought together. People that were more acquaintances than close friends. And at the end of every trip, I am always wondering how can it get any better than this. But it always does. God brought a handful of strangers together for His purpose. And we are no longer acquaintances and strangers but close friends. Something only God could do. He knew what needed to happen this week and who needed to be here to accomplish it.
He knew we needed Meghan, Lindsey, Suzy, and Maureen to greet everyone at the door with a smile and something they probably have never had: a picture of themselves. And in between pictures, He knew how important it would be for them to sit there with the children and color with them. Simply spending time with them while also distracting them from what lies ahead in the clinic.
He knew we needed one medical student named Charlie who helped in every area of our ministry with a joyful spirit. His love is big and his joy contagious. Many were touched by him this week including me.
God also knew that we needed nine green D2s: Laura, Leesa, Amanda, Anne Marie, Ashley, Jessi, Nick, Cory, and myself. Each one willing to work anywhere in order to accomplish the daily needs in the dental clinic. God also knew that this would be a great learning experience for us. Not only for us to learn how to give injections, pull teeth, and fill teeth but for us to learn how we can use our skills and resources to make an impact in peoples lives.
God knew we needed Blain on this trip to not only add a lot in the clinic but to bring much laughter and entertainment to all of us throughout the week.
He also knew that we needed Terrah and Jessie to be here to listen to the people of Ecuador who have experienced a loss of a loved one. For them to sit and listen to them talk about and express things that they have never shared with anyone before. Jessie and Terrah both were valuable to this team but mostly to the people they listened to and were able to minister to.
God knew we needed two dentists that graduated last week to help lead this team in a very unselfish way: Matt and Hunter. Both could have come here and used this trip to gain experience and develop their skill. But instead they chose to use this trip as an opportunity to invest in the 11 dental students that came. This trip would not have happened if it weren't for their leadership and involvement in BCM.
God also knew we needed a leader to lead this team. But He knew it had to be Bryan. Someone who not only is fun to be around but someone who is intentional in everything he does. Someone that would be an encouragement to us but also a true servant.
God also knew we needed both Darren and my dad, Nelson, to make this trip really special. Aside from their constant humour, they provided 13 of us the opportunity to practice dentistry here in Quito. They prepared months in advance by gathering supplies, chose to spend a week away from their wives and children, and to spend the week teaching all of us. They could have gone on other trips but they choose to go with the BCM. We needed them to have not only a successful dental clinic but an unforgettable experience. An experience that taught us all ways we can be intentional with our lives and invest in others. They have been blessed much. But they showed us that it is not so they can accumulate but so they can bless others.
Lastly, God wanted Brent here. He knew he would be an asset in the dental clinic. But mostly, he wanted Brent to share with us something that he has been recently learning. And that is the importance of making disciples. Jesus spent 85% of His time on this earth investing in 12 individuals. And Jesus's last words to them contained only one verb: to make disciples. Not to go. But as we go, we are to make disciples. We, as followers of Jesus Christ, need to invest our lives into others. To be intentional in all we do in order to spread the Gospel.
It is amazing to me how involved God is in our lives. He wanted all 23 of us here for a reason: to meet physical and spiritual needs. But to also change us and the way we view His people. The people here probably believe they received the biggest blessing. But I know that we are leaving the most blessed. Blessed by the people of
Ecuador's love and joy despite their circumstances. More than likely, this group will never be together again. But we will always remember each other and what God did through us and in us during our week in Quito together.
By Rebekah, 2nd year Dental student
Day three of clinic….check! God is working in so many ways here in Quito. I am taken back by not only the amount of strength and bravery that the people of Quito display, but also by the amount of appreciation that each of them express. I am so blessed to be here and witness God working and moving in so many different ways. I knew when I decided to listen to God and commit to taking this trip that I would have a chance to touch the lives of many people, however I never realized how much these people would be touching me.
The clinic is almost indescribable. 120+ people flow through our clinic doors each day. Today I spent the majority of my time in the “triage” area where I had the opportunity to give injection after injection. I could not trade anything for this experience. One little girl was especially one to remember. In the process of trying to give her an injection, she closes down, and my finger just happened to be in the way. That little girl never did calm down enough for a procedure to be done, but despite that girl’s traumatic experience, the look of hope that was left in her eyes will never be forgotten.
Today was also especially special because we had the opportunity to really experience the city of Quito. First, our translator Nani took us around to little shops near our clinic. Being that I was one of the eight who did not receive luggage, I was able to purchase some much-needed new kicks as well as some very unique Ecuadorean souvenirs. Then for dinner tonight, a group of us ate an authentic Ecuadorean buffet. They had everything from cow tongue and blood clots to green ball banana soup. Then to top it off, there was a dessert bar that ran the length of a wall with the tastiest being this caramel goodness served in a shot glass. It was muy bien.
All and all, I am having a blast here in Quito. I have to say though that this trip would not be what it is if it was not for the people I am sharing these experiences with. I could not ask for two better teachers that Dr. Forster and Dr. Wilson. Also, from everything from the bus rides, to the days and clinic, to the time we spend together after dinner, there is nothing more rewarding than growing in the Lord with each of these brothers and sisters in Christ each day. God is definitely working and moving in the city of Quite, and I am so happy that I am able to be a part of it. Praise be to God.
By Ashley, 2nd year Dental student
I felt like today was a "reflecting" type of day. You know... one of those days where you have really been able to just take in all that is around you. I see how adorable those kids are as they walk in our makeshift clinic. And how welcoming Suzy, Lindsay, Meghan, and Maureen are as they walk in with pictures and coloring books and smiles and simply with the open arms of Christ. And how appreciative the pastor and his wife are as they smile in such gratitude... Just as Bryan has said, a smile has no language barrier. And I see the dentists-- Dr Wilson, Dr. Darren, Hunter, and Matt, as well as Brent, and Blain as they use their talents and abilities for the glory of God. And I know that He has placed me here for a reason... to learn and grow as a Christian and in my professional path in becoming a dentist. And then I look at my classmates and think of how much we have been through together already, and how much we will continue to grow together in the rest of this week and the years to come.
I am honored and humbled to be a part of this experience in Quito. I pray that we have made as much of an impact on the people of Ecuador, just as they have on us.
By Laura, 2nd year Dental student
I have been working in the photography/welcome station for the most part, and I would have to say today was the smoothest day we have had so far. Suzy, Lindsay, Meghan and I have perfected the process of welcoming a child, taking their picture, printing the picture, and decorating the picture frame. The part we have not perfected is the conversation. We are limited to asking the children how many brothers/sisters they have and how old they are, but we are learning more everyday. Lindsay got some laughs today when she asked two older boys if they had girlfriends, but at least she has stopped asking children if they have a cat (tienes un gato?). Although the language barrier is tough, I have learned that a smile or a hug is universal. Some children are all smiles when they walk through the door, and their friendly smiles truly warm my heart. Others are more reserved and frightened and I realize that God is asking me to show them love and compassion so they will be more at ease.
I signed up for this trip only knowing the other three pharmacy students and was not sure how we would fit into this team, but I could not be more pleased with the relationships I have made in the past few days. We have gone from barely knowing each others names to sharing clothes, blow dryers, socks, and mascara. Bryan spoke tonight after our devotion period about how well our group has gotten along and how much fun we have all had together and I was quickly reminded of one of my favorite quotes by C.S. Lewis.
"In friendship we think we have chosen our peers. In reality, a few years difference in the dates of our birth, a few more miles between certain houses, any of these chanced might have kept us apart. But for a Christian there are no chances. A secret master of ceremonies has been at work. The friendship is the instrument by which God reveals to each the beauty of others."-C.S. Lewis
I am so thankful for this team and all of the hard work everyone has put into every aspect of the mission this week. Without any single member, I am not sure how we would have functioned as successfully as we have this week.
By Maureen, 2nd year Pharmacy student
Hunter's Highlights