Being my first mission trip for both dental and discipleship, I wasn't quite sure what to expect out of the whole experience. My expectations dropped even further after landing in Cap Haitian and seeing what we were up against. The scenery was unlike anything I'd experienced before. As we traveled to the hotel, I continued to believe any signs of improvement would be evident. Unfortunately I was let down. Beautiful beach property was wasted away with trash and debris, Roadways, while paved, offered no organization besides the occasional "move out of my way" honk, and the only sign of a functional business seemed to be a barber shop aptly named "Good Looking Hair." Potential was at an all time low- would anyone even come to the disciple ship training?
Monday came and went. We found our place in the clinic and set off for discipleship training at pastor Daniels house that evening. At this point I expected 8-10 people at most, but as usual, the Lord came through in the clutch. Over the next 3 days Caleb, Andy and myself we able to spread 6 fundamental lectures on disciple making to a group of 25 Haitian men and women . By the third night the feeling of the Lord moving in their lives was evident. They challenged us with questions and many came to us proudly showing names of men they were planning on sharing with after we left. Just by being in Haiti you can tell there is a tremendous need for a Christian movement. If anything those 25 new believers now have a plan to change the Haitian perspective. I know I can speak for Andy and Caleb when I say the experience for all 3 of us was a challenge, but it also was a great blessing. My prayer is and will be that they continue to make disciples and the time spent with them will always hold a place in my heart.
UTHSC Dental Student
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