Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Haiti 2012: Caleb

The past week has been an incredible challenge to how I view and live my life. I had been on many mission trips throughout my life; even lived in Jamaica for two years growing up, but I was not prepared for what Haiti would bring. When Dad told us that it was one of the poorest country in the world, it didn't quite sink in until we arrived and I saw with my own eyes poverty that I never thought could exist. Driving from the airport, you can experience the trash and garbage around you with all of your senses. You see it, smell it, you even think you can feel it on your skin. The intense heat doesn't even phase these people. We saw two guys push a make-shift trailer full of sugarcane about a mile barefoot in the hot sun up a hill. I'm sweating in the van with the door wired open. But the most incredible thing I noticed, was the smiles on their faces and the love in their hearts. Andy, Steve, and I were able to spend a few nights with 25 men and women teaching them about making Disciples. There were nights when we were late, nights when the power didn't work, nights when it was 100 degrees in the small room where we taught, but these men and women were faithful. They showed up every night hungry! Yes, they were probably physically hungry and so we would bring them food and drinks. But even more than that, they were spiritually hungry. One thing I learned this week is that no matter how much food and supplies you bring, we can never fully satisfy there physical need. But what we can do is give them Jesus who fills every void, every heart, and leaves you completely satisfied. Praise God!

UTHSC Dental Student

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