Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Haiti 2012: Caleb

The past week has been an incredible challenge to how I view and live my life. I had been on many mission trips throughout my life; even lived in Jamaica for two years growing up, but I was not prepared for what Haiti would bring. When Dad told us that it was one of the poorest country in the world, it didn't quite sink in until we arrived and I saw with my own eyes poverty that I never thought could exist. Driving from the airport, you can experience the trash and garbage around you with all of your senses. You see it, smell it, you even think you can feel it on your skin. The intense heat doesn't even phase these people. We saw two guys push a make-shift trailer full of sugarcane about a mile barefoot in the hot sun up a hill. I'm sweating in the van with the door wired open. But the most incredible thing I noticed, was the smiles on their faces and the love in their hearts. Andy, Steve, and I were able to spend a few nights with 25 men and women teaching them about making Disciples. There were nights when we were late, nights when the power didn't work, nights when it was 100 degrees in the small room where we taught, but these men and women were faithful. They showed up every night hungry! Yes, they were probably physically hungry and so we would bring them food and drinks. But even more than that, they were spiritually hungry. One thing I learned this week is that no matter how much food and supplies you bring, we can never fully satisfy there physical need. But what we can do is give them Jesus who fills every void, every heart, and leaves you completely satisfied. Praise God!

UTHSC Dental Student

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Haiti 2012: Photos 6

Our transportation for the week! The door doesn't shut!
 The view from pastor Daniel's roof.
 Some of the Haitian children during children's ministry.

 Ashley and Caleb treating a patient.
 Brent with a child at church.
 Sue and Abigail praying with a haitian that just accepted Christ!!
 Youth singing at church on Sunday.
 Sharing the gospel with some children outside of our hotel.
 Jason, Kaylee and Abraham sharing a children's story during the children's ministry.
 Ms. Rita with the women from her women's conference!

 Jason in front of our favorite restaurant. 
Ashley with some children outside the hotel!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hait 2012: Steven

Being my first mission trip for both dental and discipleship, I wasn't quite sure what to expect out of the whole experience.  My expectations dropped even further after landing in Cap Haitian and seeing what we were up against.  The scenery was unlike anything I'd experienced before.  As we traveled to the hotel, I continued to believe any signs of improvement would be evident.  Unfortunately I was let down.  Beautiful beach property was wasted away with trash and debris, Roadways, while paved, offered no organization besides the occasional "move out of my way" honk, and the only sign of a functional business seemed to be a barber shop aptly named "Good Looking Hair." Potential was at an all time low- would anyone even come to the disciple ship training? 

Monday came and went.  We found our place in the clinic and set off for discipleship training at pastor Daniels house that evening.  At this point I expected 8-10 people at most, but as usual, the Lord came through in the clutch.  Over the next 3 days Caleb, Andy and myself we able to spread 6 fundamental lectures on disciple making to a group of 25 Haitian men and women .  By the third night the feeling of the Lord moving in their lives was evident.  They challenged us with questions and many came to us proudly showing names of men they were planning on sharing with after we left.  Just by being in Haiti you can tell there is a tremendous need for a Christian movement.  If anything those 25 new believers now have a plan to change the Haitian perspective.  I know I can speak for Andy and Caleb when I say the experience for all 3 of us was a challenge, but it also was a great blessing.  My prayer is and will be that they continue to make disciples and the time spent with them will always hold a place in my heart.

UTHSC Dental Student

Friday, June 22, 2012

Haiti 2012: Photos 5

Pastor Daniel and his wife Denise
Pastor Larry from Chattanooga and Pastor Daniel of Haiti
The evangelist group sharing the gospel with the patients outside the clinic
Volleyball game at the beach on our day off
Beautiful end to the last day in Haiti
Caleb doing an extraction in the church
Brent in front of the church with our transportation for the week
Duck duck goose!

Ashley and Brent doing an extraction at the clinic
The beach near the hotel.. 
Caleb doing an extraction
The radiator overheated on the way to the beach. We had to pour some water on it to cool it down!

Ashley sleeping on the way to the airport.
Brent working on an extraction.
Our set up at the church!
Kaylee with a patient in the eye glass clinic
Jason and Jason with the guard at our hotel (holding a shotgun).
One of the drivers wearing the glasses he got at the eye glass clinic!

Haiti 2012: Brent

        Another interesting day at the clinic. Lots of fillings and extractions once again but one in particular stands out in my mind.  After I finished extracting a tooth on this sweet lady the translator was telling me she wanted some dental stitches. I told her not to worry because it was not a difficult extraction and she would be fine without any.  The translator and I went back and forth for a few moments before I  finally realized she was asking for some floss!!  It kind of shows you the extent of their need for dental hygiene education because they don't even have a word for floss.  As a side note I lost the battle last night with the goat meat I consumed the first day and was not able to make it to the bible study due to the limitations of the "facilities" at the bible study as well as their proximity to where the group meets. I'm sure it went great though.

UTHSC Dental Student

Haiti 2012: Photos 4

This was after Brett's first patient... it was HOT that day!

The group with the translators.
Jason and Herlin telling a children's story in the children's ministry.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Haiti 2012: Photos 3

Amanda with a Hatian from the children's ministry

Brent fixing a broken tooth.

Dr. Miller in surgery at the hospital in Haiti.

Steven and Brett working on a patient.

Caleb doing an extraction.

Ashley doing a filling.

Andy doing an extraction.

Ashley and Andy placing a filling.

Brett extracting a tooth.

Steven and Brett placing a filling.