Friday, June 1, 2012

Ecuador 2012- Anne Marie

Well, today was the last day of clinic, and the end to an amazing week with some amazing people! I have loved getting to know some folks that I hadn´t met before the trip or didn´t know as well (shout out to Rachel, Christie, and the D1 gals) and just laughing with everyone, as well as learning an absolute TON from Dr. Wilson, Dr. Foster (aka Darren), Matt, and Hunter.

With that said, here are a few of my highlights from the week:

- Captain of the ever faithful Delta Airline flight comes over the speaker interrupting my rom-com to tell us that there is ¨bad news¨and we have ¨cabin pressure issues¨ so we must turn around and go allllllll the way back to Atlanta. But no fear, we´re still able to fly, and they are giving us $6 food vouchers to get dinner at the airport! Yay! I´m not too happy about this, but at first Í´m kind of excited because cabin pressure issues can only mean one thing right? I´m finally going to get to use the oxygen masks that fall from the ceiling! YESSSS!!! But, alas, no O2 masks fall...although I´m fairly certain I would´ve had to adjust my own masks and then help Mary and Rachel because I think they both were on the verge of a heart attack...but in the end we made it to Quito and I got to watch another movie with all the extra flight time :)

- Today at lunch, after we had all eaten, Dr. Roberto announced that we had a special ¨second meal ¨ made just for us to help us experience Ecuador! Naturally, I´m thinking, awesome more food! But oh no no no...what they bring out is a cooked guinea pig. That´s correct a GUINEA the furry house pets..but this thing looks like a rat, with teeth and legs and claws..but no fur. It was surrounded by potatoes to make it look more edible, but oh buddy I wish it hadn´t had a face staring back at me. The pastor´s wife began to cut pieces and hand it out to everyone to try, and yes, I can now say I have tried guinea pig. It tasted mostly like tuna to me..but I was too focused on swallowing to think about taste. Nicole and I also noticed that it still had it´s kidneys in tact (gag..), so naturally I tell Blain he should eat them, not thinking he would...but alas he does. I have to give props to Blain´s stomach and immune system..I think they could survive a nuclear meltdown.

- After our special dinner tonight at an extremely nice restaurant, SIFAT treated us to a ride on the party bus around Quito, and let me tell you it was a PARTY. Just imagine a bus with large open windows, disco balls, standing room only with ropes to hold onto, a live band, and speakers playing rave music...we also had whistles. Let´s just say people on the street were taking pictures as we drove by..and I can only imagine they were thinking ¨Crazy Americans..¨ But it was so so fun, and watching Blain ¨dance¨ was probably the highlight of my whole month! Hopefully video will uploaded to do it justice..

Of course, the ULTIMATE highlight was being able to meet and help so many people, and hopefully show the love of Christ, if even a little, to them through our service this week. It´s been a great trip, and awesome confidence-building experience...who could ask for more? God has truly blessed me here, and I look forward to many future mission trips to come!

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